I graduated from college because my parents decided they would do everything to finance my schooling. I graduated from one of the finest schools in the country; Mapua Institute of Technology (thought you might want to know). But, here’s the thing, they did it by borrowing money from their friends and relatives. As a result, they ended up in debt, financially and emotionally. I will forever be grateful to my dad and mom for their support and commitment to give us the best education.
In debt even before they leave
Like them, many are also going through the same process in making both ends meet just to see their children finish school. I know this because I meet them every day. You see, I teach “Work Ethics and Values” seminar in our company, Uno Overseas Placement, Inc. We send out workers to Japan as Technical Interns. One thing common to these Interns is that they go into debt even before they leave for Japan. This is disheartening to say the least.
Connecting to the right people
When I came across the teachings of Bo Sanchez and later joined his Truly Rich Club, I made it my goal to impart the principles I’ve learned to our interns. I love sharing with them these principles because I have seen the effects of these in my own life. Today, I have almost eliminated my credit card debts. The first thing that Bo teaches is the renewing of our minds. Changing the way we think. Bo said, “Unless You Get Consistently Immersed In a New Way of Thinking, You Won’t Change!”
People in debt could not think positively because they are in bondage to fear, worry and anxiety. The more they think about their debt, the more they sink deeper into it. Their ability to change the way they think is impaired.
A new mind set
In order to change the way we think, we have to renew our minds. Bo does this by supplying us with positive, encouraging words. In TrulyRichClub, we are fed daily with God Whispers, Soulfoods and lessons on how to create additional income streams. I love it when I receive my daily dose of encouraging words that renew my mind. Because of my involvement with Bo, I also came to know Jomar, his mentor in internet marketing (but that is another story, which I will tell you in my next letter). Bo says that in order to change your life, you need to get rid of your poverty mindset and gain a wealth mindset. He has learned how to change mindsets: Through the simple act of repetition. Because repetition is the mother of all skill. By constantly immersing one’s mind with a new way of thinking, a new mindset is formed. This was the reason why Bo created TrulyRichClub membership. Opportunity, not Security
Opportunities! Look for opportunities in your daily situations and problems. It was Gen. Douglas MacArthur who said, “There is no security on this earth, there is only opportunity.” When we change the way we think, we begin to see opportunities. The Bible tells us that “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” If you think you are a winner, then you will be one. If you think you are a loser, then you will be one. In our “Managing our Resources”, a topic we teach our interns in our values seminar at Uno Overseas Placement, they learn how to do a simple home budget. This is the first step towards putting their financial house in order and this will lead to living a debt-free life.
To your debt-free life,
Jimmy Ching
P.S. If you are reading this and would like to gain financial freedom and released from your debt, why not try TrulyRichClub! When I did, I felt like entering into a new dimension of opportunities and possibilities, limitless possibilities. It is worth it! Remember: The only thing permanent in this world is change!